A Travellerspoint blog

June 27, 2011 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

June 27, 2011

Today was a day of rest, we did not get home from Singapore until 3:30 a.m. So we took the day off. But I thought that I would use this page to give you some fun facts that we have learned since we have been here.

Fun Facts:

  • Currency Equivalents:

$1.00 USD = $3.20 Ringgit
$1.00 USD = $1.32 Sing Dollar
$1.00 USD = $8,300 Indonesian Rupia

  • Population:

Malaysia 25.7 Million / 6+ Million live in or around Kuala Lumpur
Singapore 5 Million
Indonesia 240.3 Million

Palm Groves - Palm is a highly productive crop here in Malaysia and as we traveled we encountered miles of Palm Groves. A Palm tree life expectancy is 25 years. After a tree has lived out it life expectancy then the groves are burned including the stumps and replanted. The groves we saw were in valleys and up along hillsides. The palm trees are harvested to make palm oil.

Below are pictures of the architecture in Singapore.


Posted by keckfamily02 02:16 Archived in Malaysia

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